Home Docker


Table of Contents

  1. What and Why of Docker?
    • What is Docker?
    • What problems does it solve?
    • Softwarer Development before and after Docker
    • Software Deployment before and after Docker
  2. Docker vs Virtual Machines
    • Understand difference of Docker and VM
    • Benefits of Docker
  3. Install Docker locally
  4. Images vs Containers
  5. Public and Private Registries
  6. Run Containers
    • Pull and run containers form public repo
    • Port Binding, Detached Mode etc
  7. Create own Image(Dockerfile)
    • Syntax and cnepts of Dockerfile
    • We will dockerize a Node.js app
  8. Main Docker commands
    • pull, run, start, stop, logs, build
  9. Image Versioning
  10. Docker Workflow Big Picture

    What and Why of Docker?

What is Docker?

  • Virtualization software
  • Makes developing and deploying applications much easier
  • Packages applications with all the necessary dependencies, configuration, system tools and runtime
  • Portable artifact, easilty shared and distributed

    What problems does it solve?

    Softwarer Development before and after Docker

  • Each developer need to install and configure all services dierectly on their OS on their local machine
  • Software Deployment before and after Docker

Docker vs Virtual Machines

  • Understand difference of Docker and VM
  • Benefits of Docker

Install Docker locally

Images vs Containers

Public and Private Registries

Run Containers

  • Pull and run containers form public repo
  • Port Binding, Detached Mode etc

Create own Image(Dockerfile)

  • Syntax and cnepts of Dockerfile
  • We will dockerize a Node.js app
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